Formby Choral Society

Welcome to our website

Online tickets for the April concert ARE AVAILABLE HERE

We are performing Bach’s iconic St John Passion – for the first time since sometime in the 1970s … so it’s new to almost all of us. And it’s fantastic. The oldest story of humankind – set dramatically by Johann Sebastian Bach. The same story as Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar – but from the 18th Century. It is SO exciting – come along – tickets available above

Online tickets for the June concert ARE AVAILABLE HERE

Our summer concert this year is going to something special. We are collaborating with Formby High School to present a concert ON Midsummer’s Day evening.
We are commissioning a piece of music from the school’s community, which will involve them and us. There will also be dance and drama – a fantastic celebration of young people engaging with the performing (and creative) arts … and all sponsored by Formby Choral Society – thanks to a grant from one of our longest-standing members, in memory of his wife’s lifetime contribution to young peoples’ music making.
And here’s a preview of what our collaboration has already prompted … the winning entries in FHS’ competition for the artwork for our concert poster and programme. Many thanks to our sponsor for facilitating this … and much more to come.
It’s great to be able to encourage young people to engage with the creative arts.

The two winning entries in the poster competition … these will form the publicity for the concert … and aren’t they both amazing?!

Our 2024-2025 season brochure is available, and downloadable below:

PREVIOUSLY: Verdi – Requiem

Our first concert in 2023/2024 was so exciting! We sang Verdi’s monumental Requiem – with accompaniment by the Liverpool Concert Orchestra. Verdi’s orchestration is immense – making the choir inaudible, and giving our bank balance a serious bashing. On this occasion, we used a special arrangement in reduced orchestration, which loses non of the drama, but reduces both decibels and costs!

Our 2023-2024 season finished with an astonishing concert at Formby High School. You can see the programme HERE

On the website you can see what’s coming up, you can buy tickets (please do!), you can contact us, you can find out who’s who, who’s done what, and you can find out how to join the fun.
And members can check the rehearsal schedule, or send apologies if they’re going to miss rehearsal.

Our last concert – An Abundance of Anniversaries – was great!
It was our usual potpourri of things for a summer’s evening – AND we have Liverpool Brass Band with us again. AND a glass of wine in your hand when you arrive. What more could you ask for … ah … the sun!
Our previous concert was amazing! With Bach’s Magnificat and Mozart’s Requiem, and our four wonderful soloists, with Jon Barton accompanying us – in the fabulous acoustic of Formby High School’s Hall.

Our first concert of this season was truly wonderful.
Although the Hall at Formby High School is clearly a Sports Hall, the acoustic is remarkable and just enhanced the sound of the choir, soloists and orchestra.
We finished the 2022-2023 season with another version of Celebrate! – this time to mark the Coronation of King Charles III – but this time we were at Formby High School … and again with the wonderful Liverpool Brass Band (which you previously knew of as Formby Band)

Celebrate 2 – in Formby High School. Maybe even more flags that last year?

CLICK HERE for read about our Come and Sing The Armed Man day held in January

Summer concert 2022 – Celebrate! We had the great pleasure of having Formby Band join with us when we marked the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in style – with plenty of flag-waving!

David and Jon grappling with Elgar’s Pomp & Circumstance March No 1 … the introduction to Land of Hope and Glory to you and me